Created by DopE on 11/25/2023 in #💻┃support
Integrating Kinde to Astro
Hey @DopE, I see you mentioned you tried the TS SDK approach and login/logout was working, but not isAuthenticated - can you share the code you have for that so I can take a look?
11 replies
Created by DopE on 11/25/2023 in #💻┃support
Integrating Kinde to Astro
Hey @DopE , you're right, the example I shared will work as long as you keep everything under one astro page as a React app — it won't work as a multi-page one. We will invest some time to focus on Astro + Kinde sometime during Q1 next year and the idea is to either come up with an Kinde Astro SDK or a native official Kinde integration for Astro. Sorry for not having an workaround for now, we'll make sure to make an announcement once we have something more substantial. Thanks!
11 replies
Created by DopE on 11/25/2023 in #💻┃support
Integrating Kinde to Astro
Hi there, we love Astro here at Kinde — both our website and docs are currently built with Astro and we do have an Astro SDK on our to-do list (most likely sometime in Q1 next year). In theory, there are a few ways you could use Kinde in Astro: - Using our JS SDK for a client-side implementation; - Using our TS SDK for both client and server-side; - Using our React SDK with Astro + the Astro React JS integration. We haven’t tried any of those ourselves yet since we plan on rolling out a dedicated Astro SDK in the future but will make sure to let the community know once we do have some working examples. I had a look at the GitHub repo you shared and I had a hard time getting it to work since a lot of those dependencies (including Astro) were a bit outdated, but I managed to put a quick example together here based on the repo you shared.
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