Created by jamesfoley on 8/23/2024 in #help
Help Understanding Cache Middleware
My understanding of caching is not great and I wonder if someone could help me with a few questions I have on caching. If there are any learning resources that you think could help me I would be ever so grateful. - How does Hono handle caching of requests for api endpoints or static assets on the server and on the client. - Are requests/responses cached on the server as a default? - Is server/client caching something I have to implement using the cache middleware. - Is the cache middleware helper only for client cache or can it be used for server caching. - How do I access cache information on the server. - How does the serveStatic() method handle caching requests/responses for html css and img and javascript files. - If I am serving static assets do I have to create the cache control for both the server and client . - header for static assets. Is this done using the cache middleware. Just trying to learn more and increase my understanding. Regards Jim Learning Project Background. I am working on a learning project. Four static pages pages home/login/signup/dashboard. These pages are all served using the serveStatic() method. I am also creating a simple crud api. Just trying to learn more.
3 replies
Created by jamesfoley on 8/12/2024 in #help
Live Reload With Deno
I am using the Deno runtime with Hono and I was looking for a way to add live reload. I have searched for module but with little success. Can anyone point me in the direction of a resource so I can get the browser to refresh on save? Cheers Jim
16 replies