DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
ive disabled all firewall , and added an inbound rule in windows defender firewall with advanced security to allow only specific remote ports and entered the ports i tried like 1883, 8883, 8884, 8091 etc (i tried using all these ports with/without encryption and with/without websockets)
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
i tried websockeets on a different ports - 8091 and 888
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
ive changed mosquitto.conf like this
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
server is a broker service called mosquitto running on my localhost ... so its my localhost ipv4 address
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
also i used wificlientsecure to use tls with mqtt , not https
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
I didnt quite get what you meant
isnt this how we can publish?
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
i generated certificates referring this
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates

29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
(generated the certificates using openssl)
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
Ive configured my mosquitto config file also , adding the required listeners and path to certificates
29 replies
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by d1sc0 on 2/16/2024 in #🪲-firmware-and-baremetal
Receiving "rc= -2" error with ESP32 MQTT TLS certificates
29 replies