ContentDialog Window using WinUI 3
For window sizing, you want something similar to WPF's Window.SizeToContent property, which appears to be possible via Then you can layout and position the content with Grids, StackPanels, etc. I recommend you check with #gui if you have specific issues.
3 replies
✅ Start process in dir - solved
if the process is creating files relative to its "working directory" or "current directory" then you can set this with the WorkingDirectory property
9 replies
help me find correct response model
given your schema allows for an unlimited number of custom attributes, I'd probably do this like
let the view generate an attribute group for each key, add a button for each value under that key, and if a product variant is missing a key-value pair generate a "None" button to represent that
3 replies
❔ .NET Framework 4.8 Vs .Net Core for Longterm Support
for windows app devs, we were looking specifically at "build" numbers in this table which is different from the version or codename, and you can crosscheck that with (see sidebar)
104 replies