Created by MrFoxy on 12/28/2024 in #🙋🏼・help
Runtipi crashes after Jellyfins library scan initiated
Hello. Before anything, I'd like to clarify, that I'm nowhere near skilled around servers or codes or whatsoever. I'm slowly learning as I go and I'd love to host multiple smol things on my OrangePi 5 Plus (16GB RAM). Now, this is my first time using Runtipi and so far, I really like the UI. It's clean and effortlessly installing apps + it supports for CF tunelling, so it's even easier to connect to the server, outside of my home 😅 Now, onto the issue. Everytime I run a Library scan, so I can get all the shows and Movies that I have (Arr arrrrr xD), I can see it working but then all of a sudden, it's done...gone...not responsive and takes me to site can't be reached. Unfortunately, I don't know what's going on other then my SBC rebooting. I've put App and Tipi as a tag, as I'm not sure, which one is causing this whole issue (tho I'm guessing it's the App). I've even moved files to another folder, just so that it can take less time to scan it, but even that didn't helped. Any help that I can get, would be greatly appreciated :mrfoxyAlove:
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