Created by Salman on 12/1/2023 in #✋|help
How much Visitor can Railway's hobby and pro plan handle without additional resources?
I will be building an e-commerce platform with Next.js and Medusa JS or Payload CMS. Now I need to give an estimation to my client of how much hosting cost he needs to cover. We are estimating that in the initial 1-2 months, it will be close to 4,000 user per month, as we already have an active social presence. Also, within a year or two, we think we will reach 50k visitors per month. My question is, how many users can Railway handle within its hobby and pro plans without additional costs? Also, is there any way to calculate how much it will cost on the Railway to serve 50k users per month? Hosting cost is important, as this website will run in a third-world country, so profit margin isn't that much compared to a first-world country. For example, here 1 dollar is equal to 110-120 in the local currency.
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