Console.SetCursorPosition does not work properly on windows terminal.
fixes it but it breaks again if the window is resized
but it also has the side affect of malforming data when the setcursorposition is called
so not a good solution15 replies
Console.SetCursorPosition does not work properly on windows terminal.
in conhost, there is a hard limit of 9000 lines and each line you print goes 0 1 2 3 4 5 whatever and so on
windows terminal is different, line 0 is always the top line that is visible
but that means that if i call setcursorposition(0, 15) for example on conhost it will go to the 15th line that was printed which might scroll up hundreds of lines but on windows terminal it will go to the 15th line relative from the first visible line on the screen
15 replies