Created by jmky on 11/13/2023 in #questions
A Guide on the Translation from MLIR Syntax to Mojo Syntax
The Mojo compiler dialects are likely to evolve quickly as they continue to develop the Mojo programming language. I want to play with dialects that use Mojo like an EDSL engine. Getting the compile time support during lowering w/o having the final steps of lowering being the LLVM IR.
7 replies
Created by jmky on 11/13/2023 in #questions
A Guide on the Translation from MLIR Syntax to Mojo Syntax
Another piece that would be nice to know is when and how will we be able to pull in a user custom MLIR dialect into the mojo complier (and the IR lowering stack). I would be interested in seeing how one could have Mojo act as a EDSL for a couple of the CIRCT LLVM MLIR dialects.
7 replies
Created by Pierre Augier on 11/29/2023 in #questions
Meaning of "caching throughout the compilation flow"?
I presume they are caching the IR transformations (MLIR and maybe LLVM IR transformations). The comment at the end of this video about CAS + MLIR ByteCode being hashable provides the basics. At least for MLIR IRs, you can serialize the IR into byte code and hash that byte code into a key you lookup in the CAS.
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