TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by ezra8679 on 7/17/2023 in #questions
Lambdas and Edge functions in same tRPC Project?
Drizzle sorry for the late reply
11 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by ezra8679 on 7/17/2023 in #questions
Lambdas and Edge functions in same tRPC Project?
ooh ty 🙂
11 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by ezra8679 on 7/17/2023 in #questions
Lambdas and Edge functions in same tRPC Project?
Yeah i have two routers with two different urls. I use a splitLink to determine which url to pick. New to T3 so there prob is a better way to do this but this works.
export const api = createTRPCNext<AppRouter>({
config() {
return {
* Transformer used for data de-serialization from the server.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/data-transformers
transformer: superjson,

* Links used to determine request flow from client to server.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/links
links: [
enabled: (opts) =>
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
(opts.direction === "down" && opts.result instanceof Error),
condition(op) {
const isEdge = op.path.includes("edge") === true;
return isEdge;
true: httpBatchLink({
url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc/edge`,
headers: {
Authorization: authToken,
false: httpBatchLink({
url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc/lambda`,
headers: {
Authorization: authToken,
* Whether tRPC should await queries when server rendering pages.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/nextjs#ssr-boolean-default-false
ssr: false,
export const api = createTRPCNext<AppRouter>({
config() {
return {
* Transformer used for data de-serialization from the server.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/data-transformers
transformer: superjson,

* Links used to determine request flow from client to server.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/links
links: [
enabled: (opts) =>
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
(opts.direction === "down" && opts.result instanceof Error),
condition(op) {
const isEdge = op.path.includes("edge") === true;
return isEdge;
true: httpBatchLink({
url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc/edge`,
headers: {
Authorization: authToken,
false: httpBatchLink({
url: `${getBaseUrl()}/api/trpc/lambda`,
headers: {
Authorization: authToken,
* Whether tRPC should await queries when server rendering pages.
* @see https://trpc.io/docs/nextjs#ssr-boolean-default-false
ssr: false,
11 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by ezra8679 on 7/17/2023 in #questions
Lambdas and Edge functions in same tRPC Project?
Yeah splitting the router is what I did. Not the worst thing in the world to do. Thanks for the answer 🙂
11 replies