❔ Where to store files in N-Tier API Project
Guys I am working on a demo n-tier architecture project I need to implement file uploads and for now I would like to store files locally. Where do you think is the best place to store them? My layers are API, DAL, Services and Entities, or should I create another solution folder called storage?
10 replies
✅ Layered architecture EF Core error when creating migrations
I have a Web Api project which is using .NET Core 7, my layers are DAL, Services Entities and API. I recently moved connection string to appsettings.json file (it was hardcoded in my appdbcondext class before) and created a extension method in DAL layer which sets connection string, I am using this in my startup project (API) program.cs but when I run
dotnet ef migrations add testMig
it gives an error
It was not happening when I hard code connection string in DAL layer and add/update migrations,
ApplicationDbContext.cs (DAL)
DataAccessExtension.cs (DAL)
Program.cs (API Layer)
8 replies
❔ Newbie question- dotNET Core API with layered architecture with AngularJS as Frontend
I am creating an application using .NET Core with layered architecture, I have a asked to seperate Model(Entities), API, Context and Web layers AngularJS for frontend. I have created an API using N-Tier architecture before but it was so basic and there was no frontend. I am struggling to create project structure. I have created Bussiness, Data, Entities and API layers but I will need to have users upload files when registering etc. I don't know where I can keep files locally normally in a Node.js app I have two folders for backend and frontend and keep files at backend uploads folder how should I structure this project?
3 replies