Ohad @ BlockMesh Network
Ohad @ BlockMesh Network
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CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 4/28/2024 in #pages-help
GitHub integration acting strange
No description
3 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 4/18/2024 in #pages-help
Pages deploy, doesn't respect build settings
I'm getting an error even though I set my build command to exit 0.
5 replies
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 11/18/2023 in #✋|help
Custom build command for rust
I'm trying to build a leptos based project and when I try to change the Custom Build Command , after I click the V sign it just clears my input.
10 replies
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 9/27/2023 in #✋|help
Sporadic : Error: pool timed out while waiting for an open connection
I keep getting this every few deploys, seems like the connection to the DB is very unreliable.
20 replies
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 9/20/2023 in #✋|help
Should use require_ssl on PostgreSQL?
Seems like I'm having various issues connecting to the DB. Seems like they're gone once I removed it, but it feels wrong. What's the official recommendation?
36 replies
Created by Ohad @ BlockMesh Network on 9/19/2023 in #✋|help
could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
I'm having issues with the DB connection, keep getting: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer I'm using the DATABASE_URL from the service in the app.
4 replies