Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/10/2023 in #help
❔ Why is this selected?
i want to make nothing selected when i run my app
8 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
what told you that XD
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
i cant due to it having some personel stuff on it
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
and i cleaned it
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
i did
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
a user control
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
it is
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
so like that?
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
i keep hearing about cunstructors but i have no idea what they are
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Scarlet_Nixie
public partial class DarkRPReportForm : UserControl

NotepadForm notepadForm;

public DarkRPReportForm(NotepadForm notepad)
notepadForm = notepad;

string name = "";
string steamID = "";
string link = "";

private void btnReportName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
name = btnReportName.Text;

private void tbReportName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
steamID = tbReportID.Text;

private void tbReportID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
link = tbReportLink.Text;

private void tbReportLink_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportDone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
notepadForm.tbNotepadMain.Text = $"In-game name: PhoenixXeme \r\nName of the player(s) you are reporting: {name}\r\n\nSteam ID of the player(s) you are reporting: {steamID}\r\nHave you or the other player(s) involved made an in-game report to resolve the issue? No Admins\r\nIf so which staff member handled the report? None\r\nServer(wipe or main server): Server 2\r\nDate of the event (dd/mm/yy): \r\nTime of the event (BST): \r\nAny details regarding the event: No\r\nAny evidence to support your case: {link}";
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace Scarlet_Nixie
public partial class DarkRPReportForm : UserControl

NotepadForm notepadForm;

public DarkRPReportForm(NotepadForm notepad)
notepadForm = notepad;

string name = "";
string steamID = "";
string link = "";

private void btnReportName_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
name = btnReportName.Text;

private void tbReportName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportID_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
steamID = tbReportID.Text;

private void tbReportID_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportLink_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
link = tbReportLink.Text;

private void tbReportLink_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


private void btnReportDone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
notepadForm.tbNotepadMain.Text = $"In-game name: PhoenixXeme \r\nName of the player(s) you are reporting: {name}\r\n\nSteam ID of the player(s) you are reporting: {steamID}\r\nHave you or the other player(s) involved made an in-game report to resolve the issue? No Admins\r\nIf so which staff member handled the report? None\r\nServer(wipe or main server): Server 2\r\nDate of the event (dd/mm/yy): \r\nTime of the event (BST): \r\nAny details regarding the event: No\r\nAny evidence to support your case: {link}";
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
42 replies
Created by PhoenixXeme on 7/8/2023 in #help
❔ Error
when i drag the control form onto form1
42 replies