❔ Is my Unity + VS setup correctly? (NEWBIE HELP:C)
so rn for me i am learning how to make games in unity and learn programing and a website etc.. ok so i will give you a link to what my teacher said what i need to have (idk maybe this will be in another languesh so try to translate or something:, and if you want to see even the recorning on when this is made etc.. here: (this is in swedish and this was live when we were following so i recomend watching the "TIA_1 01 Ladda ner och öppna projekt från github" basiclly stand for what you need to download to get started)
31 replies
Weird behaviour if I included code after File.Exists
you need to modify the CreateDb function to properly create the file and then call the SetupDb function. Here's the updated code:
you call the Close method on the FileStream returned by File.Create to ensure that the file is created immediately. Then, you proceed to call the SetupDb function as expected.
Now, when the file does not exist, the CreateDb function will be called and the file will be created before executing the SetupDb function.
13 replies
❔ Big Problem in C# plz someone help
now if someone wants the hole code then tell me and i will edit some stuff just because i am going to make this something that is privet, because the code is done but i needed to make it work and while doing it does things happend, but just tell me if you want the code and i will give you it (or send it here)
9 replies