KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by DoContra on 7/23/2023 in #back-end
It depends what kind of database your are using and the structure of your database. In the example above type should probably store ID reference to type model/table or enum. Region also if you want maintainable and scalable database system.
3 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by M@HeR on 8/1/2023 in #front-end
swiper js is slow in touch screen
Making custom js carousel/swiper will take you lots of time and still it will be probably worse then existing libraries. Depends how simple or complex it is. I used swiper in some projects (vue version) and never had any problems with slowness. You can also try as alternative.
6 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Adhurim Gashi on 8/2/2023 in #front-end
Question regarding "positions" in CSS
Positions are used in every project, I don't think there is website without positions unless it's very simple and boring layout. Overlays, modals, dropdowns, "sticky" navbars (usually made with fixed or sticky position), tooltips, layers, etc. all benefit from positions.
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Aditya Kirad on 8/1/2023 in #front-end
need help in switching `px` based media query to `em` based media query
Of course, screen in pixels is not same as it's width in CSS pixels, due the pixel ratios and whatnot, but the default breakpoints defined by tailwind (and other css frameworks) will work with 95% of devices without any extra tweaks, so usually there is no need to spend too much time to define your own custom made breakpoints. You can just borrow from them.
44 replies