PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by gclark-eightfold on 1/31/2024 in #🔰newbie
Building a standalone Embed
Hey everyone! I have an extension I've been building with Plasmo for work and we were asked to also bundle it as an embeddable widget for sites to include on their page without needing the chrome extension installed. I was wondering if anyone here had any tips on how to go about doing this. Obviously there are a lot of extension-specific APIs that can't be re-used, but we'd like to re-use as much as the UI as possible and bundle it in a similar way. We've tried using the parcel bundler like parcel build ./src/widget/index.tsx --target widget with the target specified in the package.json, but we're running into a lot of dependency resolution issues, specifically with the ~/* configured to be ./src/*, and pnpm workspace modules. Seems like Plasmo has a lot of custom parcel configuration to make it's magic work, so I was wondering any of that can be re-used for building standalone bundles.
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