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DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
I will try tomorrow 🙂
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
Yes, I tested with 20k items at works fine
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
Yes, also you can add select pg_sleep(5) before commit, and call it from multiple clients and it do correct the row lock
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
It's something like that
await prisma.$transaction(
async (tx) => {
const counters = await tx.$queryRaw<
>`SELECT * FROM "Counter" WHERE id = ${input.id} FOR UPDATE;`;

if (counters.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Counter not found');

const counter = counters[0];
await tx.counter.update({
data: {
count: counter.count + 1,
where: {
id: counter.id,
await prisma.$transaction(
async (tx) => {
const counters = await tx.$queryRaw<
>`SELECT * FROM "Counter" WHERE id = ${input.id} FOR UPDATE;`;

if (counters.length === 0) {
throw new Error('Counter not found');

const counter = counters[0];
await tx.counter.update({
data: {
count: counter.count + 1,
where: {
id: counter.id,
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
In prisma I use raw sql since it not support select ... for update , but I can't figure out how to do it with drizzle methods
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
I make this work with Prisma and node-postgres, I try to migrate it to drizzle, but I can't 😦
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
I tried with this, but this is called 50 time but only increment the counter 1 time, not like the expected behavior
const incrementCounter = async (id: number): Promise<void> => {
console.log(`Incrementing counter ${id}`);
await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
const counter = await tx
.where(eq(counters.id, id))
if (counter.length > 0) {
const newCount = counter[0].count + 1;

await tx
count: newCount,
.where(eq(counters.id, id));

await Promise.allSettled(
Array.from({ length: 50 }, (_, i) => i).map(() => incrementCounter(1)),
console.log('Incremented counter 50 times');
const incrementCounter = async (id: number): Promise<void> => {
console.log(`Incrementing counter ${id}`);
await db.transaction(async (tx) => {
const counter = await tx
.where(eq(counters.id, id))
if (counter.length > 0) {
const newCount = counter[0].count + 1;

await tx
count: newCount,
.where(eq(counters.id, id));

await Promise.allSettled(
Array.from({ length: 50 }, (_, i) => i).map(() => incrementCounter(1)),
console.log('Incremented counter 50 times');
23 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by I am a Dev on 10/3/2023 in #help
Drizzle support SELECT FOR UPDATE of postgres to avoid logical race conditions ?
For example how to do this statement?
SELECT * FROM "counters" WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE "counters" SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = 1;
SELECT * FROM "counters" WHERE id = 1 FOR UPDATE;
UPDATE "counters" SET count = count + 1 WHERE id = 1;
23 replies