[WinForms] Need ideas/help where to start..
Without going too much into detail for authentication and stuff, I would recommend a little database (sqlite, even simple json files should do it) holding a table for users and another for sessions. The sessions should at least have a session id, user id or user name, start timestamp and stopp timestamp. If the client logs in, a new entry is being created. If the user logs out, the information is being updated.
For the Server dashboard, a view can be created, containing the informations mentioned in the task.
How many time you have for solving this task / project? At first sight, it sounds quite hard for you.
8 replies
Question about IIS /API Issue
Did you have another service, coming to the controller by DI, which crashed? How is the scope of the controller and the corresponding service? Maybe you have initialized the underlying service as singleton, while controllers in normal cases are registered in scoped way. So the other endpoints just worked fine because of the new scope and so on.
95 replies
Is there a way I can improve this code? I feel its kind of hard to understand
You only can use .Include of you have navigation properties, correct?
Anyway, do you need this query in various situations? Linq is Linq, there is nothing much against it. Maybe create a real view on the database, but that is just another facade.
3 replies