PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by Ocram07 on 10/13/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
How often do they change terms and services?
I am under the 2nd strike in pgsharp, I have heard that after terms and services changes the strikes reset. How long do they change the terms on average?
3 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by Ocram07 on 10/3/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
rooting device
I would like to root my device, is it complicated? If anyone has yt tutorials I would gladly appreciate the link 🙂
10 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by Ocram07 on 9/30/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
Pgsharp premium monthly payment time.
I am about to buy pgsharp premium for a month, I would like it to last all of October 1-31st. Will the monthly subscription last for the 31 days or will it be 30ish days?
2 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by Ocram07 on 9/30/2023 in #❓│support-pogo
free trial for server vip
I was thinking about getting server ViP for the perks and I remember seeing some where that there is a trial for I think maybe a week? Is there still the trial available?
1 replies