Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Tip for the moderators reading this: If this is NOT intended to be an official company support channel monitored by official customer support representatives, I suggest you post that prominently, along with a referral pointing customers to official support channels. Particularly if you are not setting and enforcing policies about how your employees may or may not interact with paying customers in this channel.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
I have saved a copy of this entire thread for reference in my conversations with your management. I look forward to learning more about RunPod's official support policies as well as its HR policies about how employees are expected to treat customers in official RunPod-branded and RunPod-promoted support channels.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
I was not treating you like a slave. I was treating you like a representative of your employer providing customer service I pay for in a company-branded support channel. If you do not think you are supposed to respond as such in this channel, then I'd like to hear from your employer whether that is consistent with company policy.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
So RunPod doesn't care, as a company, how a RunPod employee chooses to interact with customers on the official RunPod Discord server? THAT I would very much like to hear from a supervisor.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
First, as a professional customer service representative, you should know when to stay calm and when to wait for the supervisor that you have called in to respond on your behalf. Second, my exchange with the user you mention was not on your official customer service board, had nothing to do with you, and followed a string of disrespectful comments from him that I have no need to rehash here on RunPod's official customer service channel. The user you mention, unlike you, is not a RunPod employee charged with answering RunPod customer service questions and was not interacting on a RunPod run and sactioned customer service discussion board. If you're really telling me, as a paid RunPod employee charged with providing customer support to paying customers, that you refuse to provide me with customer support because I was "mean" to your friend on another board that has nothing to do with RunPod, then I very much hope that the moderators and your supervisors do read this thread.
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Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
If I hadn't given you sufficient information, you wouldn't have been able to come back to me with a working instance of the exact model I was struggling with, using the exact hardware configuration and exact RunPod configuration.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
You asked me about the hardware specs. I gave them to you. You asked me about the template. I told you I was using Ooba. You asked for the exact name of the models. I gave them to you. You asked for the log information. I gave it to you. When none of that enabled you to successfully diagnose the problem, you blamed me for not providing you with enough information instead of just saying, "Huh. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure why this isn't working." Even that would have been acceptable. Those links in your last post are more obfuscation. I even volunteered relevant information that you didn't ask for, should have asked for, and didn't respond to, like the fact that I'm using your storage unit. For the sake of the auditors you are asking to review this thread, please provide the information you asked for that I refused to reply. Here. Now. Directly. In plain text. In your reply.
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Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
@Madiator2011 Thank you. I've been asking you to escalate for some time now. As part of that review, perhaps the moderation team can identify the specific information you claim you asked for that I haven't given you, since you seem unwilling or unable to tell me. But mostly I would just like somebody to actually engage with me as a customer and help me troubleshoot my problems with loading large models into RunPod-provided and preloaded templates as well as inconsistent behaviors when pausing and restarting pods using the RunPod-created and RunPod managed pod dashboard management dashboard.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Why, thank you, @Madiator2011. Even though Ex_Lama2HF did not load for me when I tried it several times a few weeks back. It is working for me at the moment. I will test it and let you know if it loads consistently, which would indicate an improvement somewhere in the software, or if it only works inconsistently, which would suggest some sort of a DevOps problem. Or I would do that if I were talking to a competent customer service agent who actually cared. Instead, I'll do my best to reach your manager and tell him or her as part of our conversation.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
@Madiator2011 Repeat after me: "I'm sorry for your difficulty, valued customer. Using the information you provided me, I was able to get the model you are trying to run working with a different loader. Could you please try it and let me know if it works for you as well? If that works, I'll have some questions for you about pausing the pod. While we don't make webui or the model ourselves, I'll do my best to make sure the problem isn't on our end and provide you with what help I can with the templates we provide as part of our service."
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Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Well, if you're looking for help, you apparently won't find it here from RunPod.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Unleess @nerdylive Is a senior RunPod person? Can you help me, by any chance, @nerdylive ?
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Also, you're not supposed to get pissy back at a pissed off customer. Didn't anybody teach you anything at all about customer service? Honestly, I don't know why I'm bothering with this. I'll be trying to reach somebody in charge tomorrow.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Actually, I'm pulling the pod from your storage unit. So the data should not and does not get wiped. It's there. It just doesn't run. Which you didn't ask me about. Could you kindly point me to one single specific piece of information you've asked me about that I didn't give you?
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
Now I will give you that the OSS software has been improving. So behaviors may change. I've had better luck loading models more recently. But the start/stop behavior on your pod, which I've brought up multiple times now and which you've failed to respond to even once? That's not third-party software. That's RunPod software. You are trying so hard to make this my fault. Not once have I heard words like, "I'm sorry you're experiencing trouble, Mr. Customer. Let's me see if I can help you solve your problem."
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
@Madiator2011 Well, that's awesome for you. I tried that loader before. It was the next logical choice. It failed. If two pods with identical configurations show different behaviors on your system that suggests...? If software in a pod is working, the pod is paused, the restarted, and the software no longer works, that suggests...?
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Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
OK. I'll try to get to a manager through other channels. You sound like a bad customer service chatbot now.
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
I have a model that runs. I press pause on YOUR RunPod dashboard. I press play. The model no longer runs. You are a DevOps company. That's what you do. You run the lower part of the stack. Yet you will not consider for one moment that you have a DevOps problem with your software. You have ignored that problem repeatedly when I bring it up. I'll ask one last time: Can I speak to a supervisor?
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
No. Just the ones you preconfigure for your users as part of the service you advertise and I pay for. Are you going to put me in touch with a supervisor, or am I going to have to chase this through another channel?
75 replies
Created by mfeldstein67 on 12/28/2023 in #⛅|pods
Problems with larger models
75 replies