Created by Outsliced on 11/3/2022 in #community-help
Always when im mid game my pc gets a blackscreen or a frozen screen then i get banned for afk even if its not my fault. Its not cuz of my gpu or smthing they are all very good. How can i fix it?
9 replies
Created by Outsliced on 11/2/2022 in #community-help
freezing and blackscree n
What can i do, mid games my pc either gets frozen or i get a blackscreen. Its not cuz of my Graphics card its very good. I always get banned for being afk even if its not my fault. Any1 knows how to fix?
1 replies
Created by Outsliced on 11/2/2022 in #community-help
Tips to get out of iron
I think i could be silver but cuz of my mates im stuck iron, what can i do.
4 replies