CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Rich on 10/6/2023 in #workers-help
Is it possible to route URLs ending in `/data/` to a worker, i.e. `*/data/`?
We want to do some custom processing on URLs which end in /data/within a worker. e.g. POST POST etc.
9 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Rich on 10/3/2023 in #pages-help
CF Pages + Remix source maps
I'm struggling to get my sourcemaps produced by Remix mapping up to the code run in CF Pages. My understanding is wrangler will effectively re-bundle the Remix output functions/[[path]].js , wrapping it up as a _worker.js file. Naturally this means sourcemaps won't align. I've therefore tried to bypass bundling by a) using Advanced Mode (outputting my own _worker.js with Remix) and b) deploy using the --no-bundle flag. However, I'm still seeing stack traces such as bundledWorker-0.5182044712814888.mjs)which implies to me that it's still being bundled by wrangler pages instead of being deployed as is. Has anybody got any advice here, as right now it's making it impossible to debug anything deployed to CF Pages 🤔
2 replies