Installing Distro not Working somehow
So, I'm trying to install Void linux using
, when first time installing, it's fine, i can login to void, but when i remove the distro, then install it again, i see this error that idk why this show up:
any idea why? remember, first time install it is fine, second time, this happened.2 replies
saving file using :w in neovim made the syntax little bit unreadable
So, i have this issue in Neovim, whenever i try to save a file using :w, the syntax (indentation, line etc) becomes "broken", what i mean is that, let's say I'm write a C++ file, in a line that has:
when i press :w, the part become little bit unreadable:
see, why?, can someone explain it to me? how do i fix it?
8 replies
Neovim: using lang.java result in error when editing Java file
So, i installed extras in NeoVim called lang.java, but when i trying to edit Java file, i expect that the LSP will work, but it just result in this error:
i already check if JDTLS is installed, and it is installed, can someone help me?
11 replies
Making, Building and Signing Android Application Package
Is it possible to Make, Build and Signing my own Android Application Package (APK)? I'm kinda interested in to learn Making Android App with Java, but because i don't have PC/Laptop to install Android Studio, it just difficult for that, why i didn't just use X11? the performance will be horrible, because my phone are just to Potato, i know there's package called apksigner, dx, ecj, openjdk-21 (which i already installed), aapt etc, but i have no idea how to use it.
2 replies
How to Install SDL2?
So, I'm really interested in C++, but, the thing is, C++ itself doesn't have built-in tool/utility/library for 2D Graphics, which is kinda disappointing compared to Java, which has its own Library for 2D graphics such as Java Swing.
But, C++ has a library called SDL2, Simple DirectMedia Layer, but, the library itself doesn't available in Termux Packages, so, how do i install it?
16 replies
Execute Assembly
ik, this question are random, but, is it possible to execute the Low-level Programming language called Assembly? my phone CPU Arch are Armeabi-V7A, so Arm Assembly is supposed to be supported with my phone, but i have no idea how to execute it.
2 replies
Keyboard doesn't enter Floating-mode
so, hello, I'm kinda new here, so recently, i found this issue on Termux, particularly Termux-X11, so, if i press the back button, it will show up my button right?, but, the thing is, it's not in floating mode, which mean, it will cover up half the screen, which is really annoying and uncomfortable to use, especially software where keyboard is used frequently, like the Terminal or Geany IDE, any solve for this particular problem? am i have to use like physical keyboard?
5 replies