Pedro Furlan
Is there a way to create an AWS SAM image on docker with compose ?
Hi , I 've a doubt about AWS SAM.
Is there a way to create an container on docker who run like LocalStack , and provide SAM server and SAM build directly from container ?
I want to do on this way, beacause i want segregate this from my computer, i dont want to install. I want to do this for .NET CORE 8.0
1 replies
✅ Docker Compose don't execute images in order
Hey everyone !
I've create a docker compose for my personal project , and i wanna run in order of image. In my example , i have an docker image who was created by dockerfile, and after this , an image of Sql Server. In my dockerfile personal project , i clean and build the project to verify if it's ok to proceed , then , i run the command :
WORKDIR /src/Portifolio.Infrastructure.Database
RUN dotnet ef database update -v -s ../Portifolio.WebApi
in this point , it was suppose the sql image be already created to run this command , but , independent of the order i put in compose file , he ignores me , and run always first my docker build (dockerfile).
Follow my docker compose and my dockerfile in attachment to analisys.
4 replies