Created by Seth on 8/13/2024 in #help
I am having trouble with some quirks in Visual Studios SSDT (SQL Server Data Tool)
Does it seriously not recognize server objects and fail to compile if it can't get a reference for it? Has anybody ever dealt with this before in SSDT? I am really hoping I am just missing something because I love the idea of using SSDT for the ability of version control with my SQL DBs.
8 replies
Created by Seth on 8/2/2024 in #help
Trouble Streaming Video Files [Error:416 Range Not Satisfiable] (ASP.NET/Angular)
Hello: I am getting the 416 Range Not Satisfiable error back on my browser. however my API is returning just fine and no errors exceptions are being caught as the bytes in my request header are definitely within the target files byte size. I think it might be easier explaining if I walk through what happens when I try to stream a 5 second long video. It only takes 2 partial requests to get the full video but it fails on the 2nd request. So I am able to play the first 3 seconds of the video. Here are my request/responses: - Note that the last response does not trigger an exception or error on my API. The line in my API that returns an empty result is never hit. Here is my endpoint : What is strange to me is that the 2nd failing response shows Content-Range: bytes */1085424 but when I inspect that Header I am manually adding to the Response Header content-range on the request that fails it correctly states the start and end bytes my frontend requested. I should state that the start and end are within the total byte size of the file too (total file byte size is 2232304) I was hoping someone with more experience handling streaming has dealt with something like this and could help me out. If I have any blanks in information let me know and i can fill in.
8 replies
Created by Seth on 11/22/2023 in #help
Will my approach to a synchronized movie stream work? (ASPNET core SignalR and Angular)
I want to add a functionality to my site that lets my friends and I watch movies that are synced to match the same time or at least broadcast any actions (pause/play/fast-forward/etc.). I was thinking of adding a media player that streams the movie from my server and signalR synchronizes the current times across all the users as well as any actions performed by the host. I've read signalR is bad for streaming but I only want it to sync up current times (or just pause/play actions) so I figured that couldn't be too much of a load. I haven't used signalR yet either so if this is impossible please advise
3 replies
Created by Seth on 9/8/2023 in #help
XAML Handling sizing between Stackpanel and inner ItemsControl problem (Vertical Alignment Stretch)
13 replies
Created by Seth on 10/9/2022 in #help
Entity Framework DbContextOptionsBuilder.UseSqlServer() missing definition
I just installed the newest version of Entity Framework (6.0.9) and am inside my program.cs trying to run this line builder.Services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(blah blah); But DBContextOptionsBuilder is complaining saying that definition doesn't exist. I am using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore package and can see other DBContextOptionsBuilder definitions but not this one. I am very new to ASP.NET and Entity Framework.
3 replies