KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Jordanq on 6/8/2024 in #back-end
Vanilla Node.js vs. Serverless Functions for Database Management: Seeking Recommendations and Advice
Project Requirements: -User registration and login with password hashing. -Storing form submissions in MongoDB. -Displaying submissions in a dashboard. -Allowing the client to respond to submissions from the dashboard. Technologies: -MongoDB for the database. -Vercel for deployment. While serverless functions seem easier to set up, I've read about unexpected high bills. Vanilla Node.js looks more complex but could provide valuable experience and full control, although it might be overkill for my project.I'm stuck between choosing vanilla Node.js or serverless functions. Which approach would you recommend for my project?
1 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Jordanq on 6/4/2024 in #back-end
Best Practices for Securely Sending Form Submissions via Email in a Web Application
Hi everyone, I'm a junior developer working on a website, and I need some advice on the best way to email a business owner when a user fills out a contact form and clicks submit. I initially looked into EmailJS, but I wasn't comfortable with it as it exposes API keys. Now, I'm considering using Nodemailer. Could you please provide some guidance or recommendations on: 1. How to securely set up Nodemailer to handle form submissions. 2. Any best practices for protecting API keys and other sensitive information in this context. 3. If there are any other reliable alternatives to Nodemailer that you would recommend.
58 replies