Created by jy247 on 12/11/2023 in #questions-issues
Having some issues with children in routing
Hi, I can't get children to work. I have a small example here https://github.com/jy247/solara_experiment I'm using routes that look like these. routes = [ # route level == 0 solara.Route(path="/", component=HomeComponent), # matches empty path '' solara.Route( # route level == 1 path="a", component=ACom, children=[ # route level == 2 solara.Route(path="/", component=ACom), solara.Route(path="b", component=BCom) ], ) ] when I got to url: http://localhost:8765/a/b I am expecting to see BCom, but I see ACom. What am I missing? Grateful for any help. thanks Jack
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Created by jy247 on 12/11/2023 in #questions-issues
air-gapped installation issue
Hi, I have installed Solara in my new workplace and was held up for a while by missing Javascript dependancies due to restricted internet access. After a while I found this question and nearly solved the problem. https://github.com/widgetti/solara/discussions/116 However, I found that the version of mermaid specified in the solara-assets package (8.6.4) didn't match the required package (9.1.7). So I had to manually download the right version and copy it into the cache directory. As well as correcting the version in package, can I suggest putting something in the main docs page about how to resolve, given that you have done the work of providing a solution!
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