Created by fatsuperman. on 9/14/2022 in #help
vs null
Hi I have a test where: Assert.AreEqual(null, object.attribute) In the test the attribute is not initiated/created/given a value and is <> says that expected null actual <> how do I make expected <> as in empty?
4 replies
Created by fatsuperman. on 8/29/2022 in #help
Enumerable merging with Enumerable
Hello I have a function getObjects() and I have a large parameters list that I have to pass in blocks into this function in a loop. I have an Enumerable objects and if I run the loop the objects enumerable will be equal to the last result of the function, but I want it to be an Enumerable of all results of the loop. How to handle this?
8 replies
Created by fatsuperman. on 8/22/2022 in #help
How to combine null coascence and ternary operator?
Hello, I have a string variable A. And I want to fill thid string A with value Yes if a bool is true, No if bool is false and empty string if bool is null, how do I do this in 1 line
19 replies