🌸 morgan period 🌸
Find index of Find variable
Right now I'm locating a variable using the Find method. Obviously this is searching for it inside a List.
The question is how do I grab that variables position after? Since I will want to reference that spots index again later
4 replies
Google Api to C#
Hey I'm trying to connect Places Api to do auto completion on addresses. This is being made on a C# software, I already have the nuget package installed.
The error: Error creating Credential from JSON or JSON parameters
I'm using the downloaded json key from Google console.
The code:
1 replies
Better way to check a list of characters?
There has to be a better way than doing this
I also don't really want to make a array and have to loop through them all because that seems like code would pile up quickly. I'm hoping for a function that does what I'm looking for?
8 replies
JsonSerializer escaping '&'
I looked at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/character-encoding and I still got nothing, I don't understand why these few symbols don't work in json format?
9 replies