Erek Hai
Erek Hai
Created by Erek Hai on 12/31/2023 in #help
Please Help me. I spent 3 days trying to fix it to no avail.
I am very new to coding and this is my first project. Trying to fix it but I couldnt manage it. This is the whole project so you can inspect whatever you want. Main problem is bullets are supposed to be removed with the enemy they hit. But most of the times bullets kill more than 1 and get removed at the location based remover. When there is lots of objects in the screen and game gets slower bullets and removed like they should but whenever game gets faster it returns back to killing more than 1. I tried matching speed and interval to perfectly divisible Numbers but that didnt help. I uploaded pictures of all the actions lead to deletion of the enemy and bullet plus their speed and timer interval. If youre kind enough to help me fix it you can add me on Discord too, as soon as problem is solved you can block me I wont disturb you again. Thank you for at least reading it.
82 replies
Created by Erek Hai on 12/26/2023 in #help
More like a mathematical problem than code I guess
So for my school project I’m creating a plane shooter game in Windows Forms .Net Framework. Name is called “Battle of Britain” In the game you take sorties against na*i flight formations. I wanted to make it more like a career so in career windows you list for the mission, and after a while if enemy formation is dedected you sortie. When you sortie game chooses random enemy formations composed of max 10 planes. What I want to simulate is approach angles. Plane will approach from random angle and then switch to another angle. If you’re approaching from right planes will go from left to right, if you’re approaching from right, planes will go from right to left, if you’re approaching from back planes will go from top to bottom etc. You’re approaching the same formation if you down one plane he is hidden and moved to another place. Since some aspects of the formations are random ( spaceing and location on window) I can’t find a solution to mirror the formation in a way that it will be the same in comparison to other enemy planes but you’re just approaching from another side so it’s sideways. Any Ideas ?
9 replies
Created by Erek Hai on 12/20/2023 in #help
Please Help
I dont know what causes the problem everything seems fine pepehands
20 replies