CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by achllys on 12/28/2023 in #pages-help
The first piece is the Zero Trust Client and that is free for anyone to use, can download from CF for PC/Mac and the app stores for mobile devices. You then signup for Cloudflare Zero Trust which provides you with a web console where you can define your users, devices and rule sets. Once your device is included in the Cloudflare configuration, you can then apply what your users can access, through in this interface, when they have the ZT client turned on. Now the next part is somewhat tricky and really depends on where the web app is hosted - on-prem or public cloud but the theory is the same in that you use a firewall or similar tech and at that level, only accept requests to your web app/service from Cloudflare IPs, a Dedicated Egress IP or use the Cloudflare Tunnel to get inside the private network.
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CDCloudflare Developers
•Created by iamnogamer on 12/29/2022 in #workers-help
Deploy some open source projects on Cloudflare Pages and Workers(?)
This blog post may help to see the application design patterns:
9 replies