Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
"Shopping Cart Theory"
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
Makes sense
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
I think that would cause some serious backlash
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
At least it's a clear approach, but that also means a user could potentially lock in an item that will be on offer, say 50%, and pay full price
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
E-commerce suspend checkout while updating item price
In that case I guess it requires me to apply some kind of maximum cart lifetime
11 replies
Created by redfoxx on 11/4/2022 in #help
Global variables in .NET web application
No, I did not. I read something about it but I don't really understand it. I can try.
8 replies
Created by redfoxx on 10/24/2022 in #help
Save changes twice to db
It magically started working today
3 replies
Created by redfoxx on 10/23/2022 in #help
Cannot retrieve updated object from context
Actually the title is wrong. The event does fire, but the orderId passed to OrderPlaced does not take on the value for the order placed.
2 replies