TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by amrabuelyazid. on 9/5/2024 in #questions
Question about using T3 Stack in a DB Query-heavy app
Hey everyone! I’m currently exploring the T3 stack and loving the workflow so far. I’ve primarily worked with Angular and Django for years, where I built a large-scale web app. The app is very SQL query-heavy, as it manages a lot of data—one of the major tables in the DB has about 1 million rows with loads of relations. In Django, I ran into a lot of bottlenecks but eventually got it to perform well enough. Now, I’m considering migrating the app to the T3 stack because I’ve really fallen for the developer experience (I love React!). I’m also doing this partly for fun and learning, even though it’s a big step for a production app (again, don’t judge 😅— it's my solo dev learning process). I’ve quickly picked up most of the stack’s workflow, but my main concern is around using Prisma or Drizzle for database handling. Given that the app is query-heavy, I’m curious how well these ORMs will handle a high volume of data manipulation and fetching. Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences with Prisma or Drizzle for large-scale, query-intensive apps as they are both new technologies for me. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance
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