Created by Dongle on 6/17/2024 in #help
Avoid reserializing entire JSON?
Is there a way to avoid reserializing and reformatting an entire JSON file when it's only a property that got changed? I don't want to mess up the user's formatting.
21 replies
Created by Dongle on 10/5/2023 in #help
❔ Alive Stream requirement for DeserializeAsyncEnumerable?
Does DeserializeAsyncEnumerable require the stream to be open (not disposed) during the whole time the IAsyncEnumerable is used?
2 replies
Created by Dongle on 10/2/2023 in #help
❔ WinUI MVVM: Dealing with enums
How do you guys bind enums with the ComboBox control in WinUI?
13 replies
Created by Dongle on 9/15/2023 in #help
❔ AOT compatible way of getting the default value of a Type?
Say we have a known Type, what are some AOT compatible options to get the default value of that Type? (note: Reflection is currently okay)
7 replies
Created by Dongle on 9/4/2023 in #help
❔ [Trimming] Enum.Parse
What do I have to specify in [DynamicallyAccessedMembers] to make sure that Enum.Parse(Type, String) works properly in trimming?
10 replies
Created by Dongle on 8/19/2023 in #help
❔ Resolving the language version used for a project
How do I resolve the language version used for a project in an MSBuild target? For example, if the user has the .NET 7 SDK as latest and they specify <LangVersion>latest</LangVersion>, it should return 11.0
2 replies