PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by trevourblac.txt on 1/6/2024 in #🔰newbie
Is the built in storage API suitable for larger datasets?
Im building a chrome extension that will need to handle a large set of times the user is meant to provide (likely to be a few thousand rows when parsed in a spreadsheet format) I was going to use IndexedDB before I remembered the storage API was available but I can’t tell if it’s meant for smaller datasets like options and settings
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PD🧩 Plasmo Developers
Created by trevourblac.txt on 1/4/2024 in #🔰newbie
Is there a way to get a response body?
Hey y’all 👋 I’m building an extension to help gig drivers quickly batch classify trips on Everlance. I’ve managed to get a content script working that reads the dates and times from the UI but I’m thinking it’d be more efficient if I could manage to get the UTC formatted date time that’s in the response body. I’ve tried setting up a background service worker but that returns a 401 error. I’m wondering if there’s another way I can achieve this or if it’s best to stick with my current approach.
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