Honza K.
✅ Request error: The SSL connection could not be established, see inner exception.
I'm not sure this would help with the posted error... that is why I posted the link to migration FROM web request as it shows how to use the SocketsHttpHandler... not saying anybody should use http web request in modern .net
63 replies
Avalonia Data Trigger
You can also apply classes to a control based on some condition, which can be pretty handy
23 replies
Avalonia Data Trigger
you can also select something by some of its property value
23 replies
Avalonia Data Trigger
you have to use template selector whenever in the default template they decided to change some properties of something that isn't shown in logical tree of the control, in case of a button, the background is set on a ContentPresenter and in case of :pointerover trigger, they're setting the background the same way you have to, they select the parent (button/toogle button), go into template selector and select ContentPresenter#PART_ContentPresenter (ContentPresenter type with PART_ContentPresenter name) and set the Background property to some value
23 replies
Trying to scaffold a controller for ASP .NET api using MongoDB but get this message
This shit gets broken quite often actually... I never managed to fix it, I always created a new empty project and did the scaffold action there and just copied the stuff out to my actual project 😄
5 replies
Scheduling task in c# with failproof mechanism
try to take a look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73Q5EabiEHM
14 replies