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Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
Yeah that'd be the best, I was thinking if I could reduce the amount of columns somehow but that's not possible
12 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
Ahh so only way to pass in custom creation date is when you create using raw SQL query
12 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
what type is xata.createdAt?
`UPDATE posts SET "xata.createdAt" = '${new Date(post.isoDate || post.pubDate || new Date()).toISOString()}' WHERE id = '${inserted.id}'`,
`UPDATE posts SET "xata.createdAt" = '${new Date(post.isoDate || post.pubDate || new Date()).toISOString()}' WHERE id = '${inserted.id}'`,
this seems to be throwing an error
12 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
Alright thank you, i'll just update them after inserting with client
12 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
So i cannot edit them during creation but once i have created, i can edit using raw sql?
12 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/29/2024 in #general
is there currently a way, while creating
Oh alright, thank you!
12 replies
Created by AD Amorim on 7/18/2024 in #help
what is the ideal column type to store the content of a Tiptap editor?
Page component? Why'd you store Page component in the database? Idk if I got this but unless it's actually very big document that you're putting in database I don't think you'll even be closer to reaching the 600kb limit, I currently have a 500~ lines post using about 25~ kbs
10 replies
Created by AD Amorim on 7/18/2024 in #help
what is the ideal column type to store the content of a Tiptap editor?
my idea would be store the AST from tiptap directly into JSON column and load that into tiptap upon startup, xata has limits on how much can you store in text and string columns so you're more likely to hit them on long documents, plus tiptap has this in beta: https://tiptap.dev/docs/collaboration/documents/conversion convert to/from tiptap's AST to markdown and other formats
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/6/2024 in #help
Cursor Pagination Broken
Hii, I know this is not a priority but could someone from the team just send a message in this thread this whenever this is fixed? Thank you!
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/6/2024 in #help
Cursor Pagination Broken
Makes it a breeze to paginate through
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/6/2024 in #help
Cursor Pagination Broken
The reason I am in constant denial of using raw SQL query is because I love xata's cursor pagination, on subsequent calls to getPaginated passing cursor retrieves all the filters and sorting from initial query
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/6/2024 in #help
Cursor Pagination Broken
Just wanted to report this
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/6/2024 in #help
Cursor Pagination Broken
Ohh I can implement a workaround no worries, I'd rather not change complete pagination
10 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/3/2024 in #general
Hey any chance sorting would support
i have never actually used kysely before so i am not sure how it works
4 replies
Created by Oreki on 7/3/2024 in #general
Hey any chance sorting would support
The issue is that i am using other filters and sortings, if i go through the raw query route i will have to design the complete query myself
4 replies
Created by Oreki on 6/28/2024 in #general
quick question, how can i get all
my use case is to run a cron to delete all faulty market entries, this would not really happen but this is to be at a safer side
3 replies
Created by Oreki on 6/23/2024 in #general
I found them in docs
5 replies