Problem with the dotnet installation in gitlab-ci (Docker, Debian11)
yeah this is my workload install command
i added maui-ios because of the 1st error: Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0
the installation works without the maui-ios but i guess ill need it.
this is the error message from the job:
Workload installation failed: Workload ID maui-ios isn't supported on this platform.
do you have any other ideas which platform/image could work?
9 replies
Problem with the dotnet installation in gitlab-ci (Docker, Debian11)
i installed now the mono:latest image and it seems to run and install without the installer. But now there is this error while building with 'dotnet build':
error NETSDK1178: The project depends on the following workload packs that do not exist in any of the workloads available in this installation: Microsoft.iOS.Sdk.net8.0_18.0
error NETSDK1178: You may need to build the project on another operating system or architecture, or update the .NET SDK.
9 replies