Created by yois004 on 7/5/2024 in #questions-issues
Ipyaggrid Grid element - Get selected row if click on it
Could you describe what you want to do exactly? what have you tried so far and is not working?
2 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/9/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue. MismatchingStateError with Auth0 in Solara Auth Sample on AWS EC2
Sorry, not sure I'm understanding you, I'm not using the server ip address in any scenario. I'm accesing to the server where Solara is running using the Cloudflare tunnel, a public url, that in all different cases I tried (a Windows desktop, a macOS, a Raspberry PI and the AWS EC2 server) is mapped to http://localhost and the problem appears when using at the same time Auth0 for the authentication. On AWS I tried 2 different AMIs, the standard AWS (I think it's readhat based) one and an UBUNTU, thinking that perhaps Cloudflare's client was doing something funny there, but in both cases I had the same result... don't know perhaps Cloudflare is doing some "magic" for AWS infra?
9 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/9/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue. MismatchingStateError with Auth0 in Solara Auth Sample on AWS EC2
Yes, right now I can access to the AWS server using SOLARA_SESSION_HTTPS_ONLY=False, and using the same Cloudflare tunnel I've been using, I use https to connect to the tunneled domain (I suppose this is just the proxy part), the mapping of the tunnel always has been for http://localhost. In the other computers I have installed the application I was using SOLARA_SESSION_HTTPS_ONLY=True with the same Cloudflare and Auth0 configuration and it worked fine. The only change I can "see" is AWS infra ... in this conditions if I change SOLARA_SESSION_HTTPS_ONLY=True then Auth stops working for the AWS host.
9 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/9/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue. MismatchingStateError with Auth0 in Solara Auth Sample on AWS EC2
Yes! that's it, it works now!!! I can confirm it works also using a Cloudflare tunnel, thank you!. Cloudflare adds the https on top so this is why I thought it was necessary to set SOLARA_SESSION_HTTPS_ONLY to True BTW, what could be the explanation for it working in the other environments I tried, same configuration, same Cloudflare tunnel, but not on AWS?
9 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue with Event Handling in Solara Integration with Auth0 on Inactivity
Makes sense, thank you!, I will tell you if I can reproduce it.
8 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue with Event Handling in Solara Integration with Auth0 on Inactivity
I could leave a local server instance + local Auth0 authenticated browser open (no cloudflare) to see if I can reproduce the problem.
8 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue with Event Handling in Solara Integration with Auth0 on Inactivity
Good point, I'm using a Cloudflare tunnel, could it be related to this?
8 replies
Created by Punxsutawney on 5/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Issue with Event Handling in Solara Integration with Auth0 on Inactivity
Any way to detect user inactivity or server timeout or similar things from Solara side? if there is some event or reactive element I could attach to then I suppose I could redirect to the Auth0 logout url, right?
8 replies