How to Resolve "Argument of type MiddlewareHandler Error"
The lines of code where I used zValidator throws the error "Argument of type MiddlewareHandler Error". Here is the code snippet of how I am using the validator.
zValidator("json", JobSchema, (result, c) => {
if (!result.success) {
return c.json({ error: result.error.issues }, StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST);
Here is the Jobschema definition
export const JobSchema = z.object({
position: z.string().min(1, {message: "Position is required"}).max(50),
company: z.string().min(1, {message:"Company is required"}).max(50),
jobStatus: z.enum([jobStatus.interview, jobStatus.declined, jobStatus.pending]).optional(),
jobType: z.enum([jobType.fullTime, jobType.internship, jobType.partTime, jobType.remote]).optional(),
jobLocation: z.string().min(1, "Job location is required").optional(),
While this is not breaking my code, I don't like the red lines on my screen and would appreciate any help to resolve this.6 replies