Cameroonian King
Cameroonian King
Created by Cameroonian King on 6/16/2024 in #community-help
SOmeone gave me a link to a code but it wont work
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Created by Cameroonian King on 4/15/2024 in #community-help
Valorant issues and internet
So my internet sucks and there is not much I can do about it since Im only 14 and my parents refuse to do anything about the internet. And when I play valorant I dont spawn until after It has already detected me as afk (Im actually just still loading in) and then I get match and game bans. Anyone know what to do?
2 replies
Created by Cameroonian King on 4/14/2024 in #community-help
Riot Client not opening or taking forever to open
Right now my riot client isnt open even after clicking it multiple times. I have this issue often where I click it and it takes forever to come up or it never comes up. Someone please help
3 replies