RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by yvngxboy on 7/10/2023 in #📞|support
my fps are stuck at 30 !
please help me !
2 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by yvngxboy on 6/2/2023 in #📞|support
I see the road, with the mods

3 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by yvngxboy on 5/13/2023 in #📞|support
MISC Settings not saved
Problem: i choose some options in my misc settings, i quit fivem, and after, i start fivem and the misc setting are not saved
4 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by yvngxboy on 5/12/2023 in #📞|support
Tatoo problem
When i spawn my character, the tatoo are here, but when ive been killed, my tatoo despawn... And i need to know how to keep my tattoo after my death !
Thanks !
6 replies
RFRSM.GG ~ Freeroam
•Created by yvngxboy on 5/10/2023 in #📞|support
Problem for the color of car
When I want to put a main color, for example red, well the red is put in pearly and the car is black with the pearly red... And I would like to have a solution for this problem
(if u have the solution, please ping me or go in my dm please ! thanks !)
4 replies