❔ Debugging core app from vscode
no no, what i mean is, I have set on MapGroup RequiredAuthorization, and to do so, then all endpoints belongs to that group should have [Authorize] or we should explicitly define allowanonymous, otherwise it will return 404, because endpoints thinks there is a route with authorization, but it is not there. if you want I can share a project with you, you can check.
26 replies
❔ Debugging core app from vscode
yes, but my concern is not that I can't handle 404, what I mean is, where is the first place to put breakpoint. and there was a route but still returning 404 on minimal apis was, because I have set
but not set Authorize
on endpoint. and I solved it. but that took too much time from me scrolling throw my code. so I thought if there was a place to debug then I would know it is because of Authorization.26 replies