Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
its already like this
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
No description
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
bruv i already did and it still does that man.
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
Nothing about “checking a box” for admin use.
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
When installing.
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
That’s about it
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
Again, nothing about “admin” use.
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
No description
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
still wants access everytime…
I installed this game from the website… it downlaods th”install valorant” package, when I open it, it then leads me to a pop up similar where it just asks to make changes, nothing to really “check off” for admin use, then it loads up the screen where you are signed out and I got to download vanguard.
19 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
Still doing this changes to ur device stuff…
Unless there’s a way to always make riot as an administrator
7 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/18/2024 in #community-help
Still doing this changes to ur device stuff…
The thing about that is this is right after I enter my password to log into my pc, the first thing that pops up is always this…
7 replies
Created by UrboiE7 on 9/16/2024 in #community-help
“do you want to allow this app to make changes”
4 replies