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Created by Worek on 3/12/2024 in #community-help
I suddenly have low fps
i usually get ~300 fps but today im getting less than 60 i changed nothing, it was working fine just yesterday i messed around with settings, drivers and did the usual trouble shooting stuff like restarting my pc but nothing worked
2 replies
Created by Worek on 12/30/2023 in #community-help
can't move my mouse after opening valorant
when i open valorant it freezes my mouse and i have to restart my pc to close the game
2 replies
Created by Worek on 8/16/2023 in #community-help
my mouse frezzes when i lounch valorant
when i try to play valorant my mouse just doesnt move and i have to restart my pc everytime i try to play how do i fix this?
56 replies
Created by Worek on 3/7/2023 in #community-help
what should i upgrade to
im looking for a gpu upgrade but i cant decide whitch one. i'm curently interested in 2 graphics cards: 3060 ti and the 2060 super, the 3060 ti is 30-35% beter but its 60% more expensive than the 2060 and i dont play any tripple A titles so i dont have a need for a crazy gpu, i just want more frames (im playing at 1440p) also 2060 has about 4% cpu bottle neck and the 3060 2,5% gpu bottleneck but i can just overclock and 2060 overclock wouldd just increase bottleneck right?
39 replies
Created by Worek on 3/2/2023 in #community-help
whats the optimal resolution for valorant
lower resolution gives you more frames but i dont wanna play on 144p, so is there a somewhat optimal resolution where you gain a lot of fps but still see everything clearly
41 replies
Created by Worek on 2/22/2023 in #community-help
Can i still get the araxys skins?
what do i do if want the araxys skins? do i just wait for when they pop up in the shop or are they gone for ever?
3 replies
Created by Worek on 2/17/2023 in #help
❔ i can't enter dev options on android
i need to enter dev options to test my mobile app but it says i dont have permirion and to contact an it administrator? what do i do? i dont know what is an it admin and how to contact, help.
6 replies