Nicolas Bourdin
Nicolas Bourdin
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Created by Nicolas Bourdin on 10/9/2024 in #help
select expression helper
I got this selectExpression that i use in many file .select([ '', eventStartDate('e'), eventEndDate('e'), 'e.title', 'e.type', 'e.status', 'e.banner', 'e.event_end_date as end_date', 'e.location', 'e.duration_in_minute', 'e.participant_count_limit', 'e.registration_date_limit', 'e.provider', coordinates('e'), sql<boolean>is_full_of_participants(e).as('isFullOfParticipants'), sql<string[]>get_event_sports('sports'), ]) how can i create a helper function in order to reuse it ?
9 replies
Created by Nicolas Bourdin on 7/2/2024 in #help
Create conditional cte insert query
Hello Is it possible to create a condition insert query with conditional cte like this : let query = db.with('new_group', (db) => db .insertInto('group') .values({ organization__id: orgId, name: name, avatar: avatarUrl, visibility: visibility, is_default: false, }) .returningAll() ) if (userId) { query.with('new_user', (db) => db.insertInto('group_organization_user').values({ user__id: userId, organization__id: orgId, group__id: query.selectFrom('new_group').select('id'), }) ) } if (!!data.sports) { query.with('sports', (query) => query.insertInto('tag_organization_group').values( data.sports!.map((s) => ({ organization__id: orgId, group__id: query.selectFrom('new_group').select('id'), tag__id: s, })) ) ) } const newGroup = await query.selectFrom('new_group').selectAll().executeTakeFirstOrThrow() return newGroup
2 replies
Created by Nicolas Bourdin on 6/6/2024 in #help
clone select query
Hello I need to 2 queries in parallel like this (select data + count) let baseQuery = db.selectFrom('event') if (title) { baseQuery = baseQuery.where('title', 'ilike', '%' + title + '%') } const [data, count] = await Promise.all([['', 'event.title']).execute(),{ fn }) => fn.count('').as('total')).executeTakeFirstOrThrow(), ]) return { data, count } Is it possible to "clone" the baseQuery in order to make the same query for retrieving the data and the count ?
7 replies
Created by optimistic-gold on 2/26/2024 in #ask-any-question
Hasura dataprovider : How to query with _not operator ?
How can i query data with _not operator like this query query { event(where: {_not: {group_event: {event__id: {_is_null: false}}}}, limit: 10) { id group_event { event__id } } }
4 replies
Created by wee-brown on 2/26/2024 in #ask-any-question
Filter nested fields
I use hasura dataprovider, and i wonder how to use nested filter in order to apply filter on nested field My goal is to make the following graphql query (specially the user_activity_aggregate) query event { event { user_activity_aggregate(where: { type: {_in: ["participate", "interested"]}}) { aggregate { count } } } }
13 replies
Created by future-harlequin on 1/16/2024 in #ask-any-question
Form: Transform data before submit
Is it possible to transform data before submit with a useForm + antd ?
9 replies
Created by plain-purple on 1/15/2024 in #ask-any-question
use graphql custom query in hasura data provider
Is is possible to use custom graphql query instead of meta.fields with hasura data provider ?
6 replies