please help me understand this warning
I have already posted the question on dotnet subreddit. I hope it's ok. Thank you.
1 replies
❔ Unauthorized while reading secrets from Azure Keyvault
I am trying to read secrets from Keyvault locally in my API application with the following code:
and I am facing this error:
{"error":{"code":"Unauthorized","message":"AKV10032: Invalid issuer. Expected one of https://sts.windows.net/<guid1>/, https://sts.windows.net/<guid2>/, https://sts.windows.net/<guid3>/, found https://sts.windows.net/<guid4>/."}}
when I run the same code on a console application, I am able to read the secret without errors. I am not able to understand why is it throwing Unauthorized when I am running it on API application. how can I solve this?
I also tried this but no luck..
2 replies