Alex Gunnarson
Alex Gunnarson
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/13/2024 in #questions
Lisp (or other languages) on top of Mojo?
Perfect! Thanks for sharing!
9 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/13/2024 in #questions
Lisp (or other languages) on top of Mojo?
Awesome! Figured that about Modular haha. They're solving the two-language problem, and proliferating languages is an explicit non-goal. But they do emphasize compatibility and, well, modularity, so hoping they expose their IR facilities.
9 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/13/2024 in #questions
Lisp (or other languages) on top of Mojo?
Perhaps so. Let me see if I can be more clear. Right now it's: Mojo -> Mojo MLIR -> other MLIR frontends like LLVM -> machine code Supporting transpilation is reasonably trivial, but debuggability suffers (e.g. source maps would be required, and the source language would always be "second class"): Arbitrary language -> Mojo -> Mojo MLIR -> ... I'm proposing: Arbitrary language -> Mojo MLIR -> ... Ostensibly, in this way the source language would benefit from all the MLIR tooling (stacktraces, debugging, etc.) while also benefitting from Mojo's custom performance-oriented MLIR passes. Does that make sense or is what I'm proposing not a reasonable way to achieve the goals I've outlined? Maybe I'm misunderstanding some part of the pipeline.
9 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/13/2024 in #questions
Lisp (or other languages) on top of Mojo?
Bumping this!
9 replies
Created by Orwink on 2/16/2024 in #questions
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
Awesome! I feel the same way!
15 replies
Created by Xcur on 12/5/2023 in #questions
Mojo GPU Syntax or specific GPU stdlib data types?
Whatever Mojo ends up exposing syntatically, it's likely going to be a veneer over top of
4 replies
Created by Orwink on 2/16/2024 in #questions
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
That said, it's a considerable amount of work for an existing language to port over to MLIR, because they've already set up a pipeline of language-specific IR -> LLVM -> machine code and they'd need language-specific IR within MLIR -> LLVM + others -> machine code Essentially, whatever language-specific optimizations are being performed within a language's existing compiler would need to be ported to MLIR, which is extremely non-trivial. But for new languages there is only benefit, as MLIR provides a framework for performing language-specific optimizations (e.g. transpose(transpose(x)) -> x).
15 replies
Created by Orwink on 2/16/2024 in #questions
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
I would say MLIR is analogous to an "ubercompiler", and that yes, there's a case to be made that all languages should use it going forward.
15 replies
Created by Orwink on 2/16/2024 in #questions
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
I'm not sure I'd classify these kinds of optimizations as either niche or common. You can imagine these kinds of optimizations being applied all over the place outside of just linear-algebraic operations. But they're also not "standard" optimizations like loop unrolling or the like, which LLVM can perform (though arguably it's more straightforward in MLIR).
15 replies
Created by Orwink on 2/16/2024 in #questions
If we talk about performance code, why is MLIR better than LLVM?
I'm not sure about what specific optimizations Mojo does (besides making all integers/floats SIMD dataypes), but I can speak to MLIR broadly. An example given in the MLIR docs ( gives the following function:
def transpose_transpose(x) {
return transpose(transpose(x));
def transpose_transpose(x) {
return transpose(transpose(x));
and shows that a code (AST) transformation can be trivially defined for when transpose is called on transpose, such that the above can simply become:
def transpose_transpose(x) {
return x;
def transpose_transpose(x) {
return x;
This kind of optimization would be impossible in practice to achieve with LLVM, which only deals with very low-level operations.
15 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
Awesome!! Good luck 🙌
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
Maybe you want a progress animation, too, for when the compilation is occurring. So if you have something emitting WASM, it can send messages to the server reporting its progress. Would be better than just a file watcher.
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
Off the top of my head, you'll need something like: - A WebSocket connection from the browser to a server. The browser listens for messages from the server that contain WASM code. When WASM is received, it hot-swaps it in (not sure what the API for consuming WASM in the browser is, but it's widely available). - A server that's listening to a particular directory (java.nio.file.WatchService or something) with the WASM file(s). When a change is detected, it sends the WASM contents via a WebSocket message to the browser.
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
That would be awesome! You should generalize it to beyond just WebXR and make it work for any WebAssembly context 🙂
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
No problem!
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
However, it may be non-trivial. Also the dev flow would be laborious (edit Mojo code, recompile to WASM, reload WASM in browser) without some sort of auto-reloader script.
13 replies
Created by Alsala Ahmed🚀(he/him) on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Improving WebXR Performance/Multi threading Javascript Runtimes
Mojo could in theory be compiled to WebAssembly (not sure whether that's been done before or where that is on the roadmap if not). Once that happens, you could then run the Mojo-based WASM code in your Web Workers to speed up whatever needs to be done there.
13 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/9/2024 in #questions
Lisp/Julia style macros/codegen
Thanks for linking that!
16 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/9/2024 in #questions
Virtual thread support? ("write async like sync")
Nice, thanks for the additional info @Heyitsmeguys !
6 replies
Created by Alex Gunnarson on 2/9/2024 in #questions
Lisp/Julia style macros/codegen
Sounds like a difficult-to-bridge difference in ideology. Have you used a macro-enabled language, especially a Lisp dialect? What was your experience there?
16 replies