Joe Simpson
Joe Simpson
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Joe Simpson on 4/1/2024 in #pages-help
How can I stop the Beacon JavaScript from being inserted automatically?
My Angular PWA offline mode breaks when the Beacon JavaScript is inserted automatically (because the Angular hash doesn't match the hash of the content served). I've tried adding the snippet manually and setting no-transform (Cache-Control: public, no-transform), but it is still inserted. There is no advanced settings option (as described in the docs), so I'm stuck. Any suggestions please?
7 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by Joe Simpson on 3/8/2024 in #pages-help
Pages app meltdown - internal error at functionsWorker
Hi, my pages app is an Angular app with functions (Hono). It has been working fine for a long time, but since yesterday (7-mar-24) I see that it deploys fine and shortly after only shows the following message: Internal Server Error: internal error Error: internal error at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:43016:42 at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27906:20 at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:20432:15 at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27906:20 at logger2 (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27210:11) at dispatch (functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27905:23) at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:27882:12 at functionsWorker-0.15130769725590398.js:28378:31 I've never seen this before.. could I get some pointers as to what might be causing this please? I can't see anything helpful in my streaming logs. Thanks!
16 replies