Created by Yaya on 11/9/2022 in #community-help
Toxic video clip report?
A few weeks ago I was playing with two other friends and the other two duos started being toxic to my friends. I am a woman so I usually don't talk in game but I did tell them to stop and just play. In which, they proceeded to call me slurs, just bullying me all rounds, saying how I don't have rights, my opinion doesn't matter, telling one of my friends how he f.... me (being very graphic), and also expressing how racist he was and to go back to my own country and a lot more. It was one of the worst games I had in my life, I did report them but I don't think that worked. I did find some clips of them talking sh... that I did not notice I was recording. Is there a way to send this short clip to riot? 😦
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