Created by zo on 11/19/2022 in #community-help
Bullets going through people
I don't record my VAL gameplay but in DM I see my bullets going through people.. I have shooting error on, seems perfectly fine. Anyone know why? Btw my ping is like 10-20
1 replies
Created by zo on 11/9/2022 in #community-help
I have a routine for finding our what rank is similar to you
this only works if you have a friend at least 6 ranks higher than u ask ur friend what ur rank would be based on ur gamesense play 10 DMs and ask people what they think ur rank is exactly rate ur own mentality from a scale of 1-22 (HONESTLY PLEASE) or get someone else to do it (ur friend) now gather all this data up and convert it to numbers (ex. gold 2 = 11, or the 11th rank.) now find the average out of all of that data
84 replies